Supercharge your teaching
Mojo takes what you are already doing and makes it even better

Enhance in-class learning
Set teachers up for success
Rich tools and feedback
Keep students on track
Set teachers up for success
Mojo works seamlessly with what you’re already doing.
- Pulls out exemplar student work for discussion
- Identify common misunderstandings
- Supports students in collaborative small group work sessions

Rich tools and learning
Mojo provides real-time feedback to students as they work.
- Scaffolds structure student thinking and writing with graphic organizers
- Individualized, AI-powered feedback improves student work
- Shares exemplars and other student work to compare and contrast
Keep students on track
No students slip through the cracks during a Mojo activity.
- Tracks student progress through a lesson in real-time
- Gives teachers access to all student-Mojo conversations
- Alerts teachers if a student is off-track